How to Avoid Needing a Broken Key Extraction: Preventing Common Causes of Broken Keys

HomeBlogHow to Avoid Needing a Broken Key Extraction: Preventing Common Causes of Broken Keys

The situation can feel cartoonish; you insert your key into the lock, give it a turn, hear a sickening crack, and wind up holding the stub of the key while the shaft remains inside the lock. Once you’ve contacted a locksmith for broken key extraction services, the next step is learning how to prevent this situation from happening again.

How to Avoid Needing a Broken Key Extraction: Preventing Common Causes of Broken Keys

In this post, our team at 844 Ohio Key will share some common causes of broken keys and tips for avoiding them so you won’t need broken key extraction services any time soon.

Wear and Tear

  • Cause: Over time, your keys can get worn down. The friction of inserting and turning the key can lead to thinning edges, eventually resulting in a broken key.
  • Prevention: Inspect your keys regularly for signs of wear and avoid excessive force when inserting and turning the key. Have duplicates made and ready to swap out as soon as your main set shows its age.

Cheap Keys

  • Cause: Poorly made keys or sets made from cheap materials may not fit the lock properly, leading to added stress on the key and the lock.
  • Prevention: Invest in high-quality keys made from durable materials. Use a reputable locksmith for duplication and key-cutting services.

Overloaded Keychains

  • Cause: Carrying too many items on a single keychain.
  • Prevention: Keep your keychain minimal. Only carry essential keys and consider keeping house keys and car keys separate to reduce strain and excessive wear.

Lock Issues

  • Cause: Damaged, rusty, or malfunctioning locks that put extra strain on the key.
  • Prevention: Maintain your locks and contact a locksmith when you notice issues.

By understanding the common causes of lock and key issues, you can help prevent the need for a broken key extraction service. If you do find yourself with a broken key, our team is ready to assist you!